Febnik E-Gazette

Know a Retoucher's most Important hack: Retouching Action Plan

If you don't have focus and the right tools at hand, learning art and creating your own style, as a retoucher, can take forever. So what's the catch? Well, this article, here, will teach you the most important thing you need to have to be able to achieve targets, especially when working for business clients.
Navanshu Rastogi
Published at: Mar 9, 2022 11:09 AM
Editors: Shreya Joshi
An artistic soul needs to have a good balance between art, coffee intake & marketing. There is a long list of tasks that one needs to focus on to manage a healthy business. Plus, the struggle of keeping up with learning new things and improving ourselves, plainly, adds to the crushing pressure. Now That's when or actually before that, you deploy a plan, more accurately an action plan.
1. Action Plan
An action plan is one tool that is crucial for every retoucher. You must have seen a tracing paper & must have noticed how one can draw over an image. Well, it's just like that. An action plan is equivalent to a tracing paper but with some added benefits. Action plan is a way, more aptly a process, for retouchers through which they can mark sections of an image that might need fixing, like a model's hair, makeup or to remove a distraction much like an artist would through a tracing paper.
How to make one? Simple, use a transparent layer and name it as an action plan & you're good to go. Highlight the things that need fixing using a brush. I prefer to use a couple of colours and have my own method for making an action plan. You can download our action plan plugin from creative cloud here to get started.
2. Benefits of using an action plan:
2.1. Improves attention
Focus is the thing that has helped every inventor, discoverer & artist to master their art and achieve something unique. Attention can lead you to ideas & ideas can lead to success. An action plan acts as the North Star, guiding you to the end of the process, where you achieve all goals you set out to achieve.
2.2. Improves results
Knowing what you need to achieve for the desired result makes the work easy and precise. This ultimately also reflects in your art. Through an action plan, you can better recreate the visualization of the final image in your head on screen.
2.3. Saves time
With the things noted down that you have to do, you don't waste effort on things that don't need improvement. It helps retain the rawness of the image while maintaining its originality and makes the overall work faster.
2.4. Adds Consistency
If you have a series of images, you can always refer to the first image you worked on. When you see the original image with the action plan, it becomes easy to identify the steps that need to be executed. This way complete series of images have an equal amount of retouching & show uniformity.
2.5. Space for experiment
When you are approaching the deadline, you lose the mental and emotional freedom of experimenting. So, to leave room for creative magic, a good action plan is a must. It aids in saving enough time for you to mix the secret ingredients you have been collecting and make the most beautiful art, unlike crafted.
Skipping curating an action plan before retouching an image is as much a bad habit as drinking coffee late at night. You're setting yourself up for an awful headache either way. So, if you're early in your career, there is no way that you should avoid using an action plan. It will only benefit in the long run. Remember that the more you use action plans, the better you will get with this process and eventually your art.
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