Headshot Photography FAQ

MakeupApprovalClothingPosingBookingTimeTurnaround TimePaymentCancellationRefund
Yes you can. There is an additional cost because full length portraits are more difficult to produce.
A booking fee is required to hold an appointment time for you. We get a number of requests for appointment times, and have to turn away clients if a specific time is already booked. If someone were to book an appointment and cancel just hours or minutes before their scheduled session, we would have no way to fill that appointment time on short notice. Also, every photo assignment (whether in-studio or on location) requires a specialized setup of lighting and other photographic equipment. We would face financial harm if appointments can be easily cancelled with no way for us to recoup our time and equipment costs. This is why retainers are required.For more details refer to our Pricing Policy
We currently do not directly provide hair and makeup services. However, we do provide a referral list to makeup and hair professionals we have worked with in the past.
we don't provide makeup or hair services because many of our past clients prefer to select their own makeup and hair services.Our client's needs and preferences are varied, so we prefer to send referrals to a number of different beauty professionals for you to contact rather than provide services in-house.
Absolutely! We will coach you through the posing process and provide tips on how to convey your personality or brand through various expressions, postures, hand positions, and angles.
We currently do not provide clothing, but can offer a referral list to wardrobe stylists who can help you choose the right attire for your photo session.
As long as you feel comfortable you may bring utmost one friend / spouse along with you while your photos are taken, you're welcome to invite them along.
Yes you can! Just let us know beforehand so that we keep the proofs around for you to make additional selections later.
Typically, online galleries are active for at least 15 days, but if you need it online longer, just let us know and we can extend the gallery expiry at no charge.
In most cases, photos are produced with a personal use or company use license only. This means that you and/or your organization can use the images for the purpose of conducting company business. For example, you can post headshots on LinkedIn, on your website, or print them on a conference information sheet or business card. The headshot rates you see displayed online are not for resale purposes, but you can commission a photo project specifically for reselling the images.(Please contact us for further details.)
Most of our headshot packages include our
Although you may use the images commercially for your own company or for personal use, unless you purchase a license that explicitly permits the resale of images, you cannot sell the images produced or assign them to another organization for commercial resale; for example, to stock image agencies.
Turn around times begin when the project execution starts which will be notified via email.
Standard | 7 business days or less(excluding holidays);
If your shoot requires a hand model, we need to align our schedules with that of a hand model or models, as well as our stylist, which may increase turnaround time by a few days as well.
When you have a very high quantity of products, we can work with you on a weekly rolling schedule, we'll work with your product production, logistics and marketing teams.
For new clients or first- time orders, we reserve the right to process a small number of product pictures for approval before photographing your entire order.We will send you a proof image for your approval.This ensures you are happy with our service before we complete your entire order.
Febnik will share the samples for your approval via our website, and you can rate and comment your views and suggestions based on the specifications previously finalized in the photography brief.
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