Febnik Video Production Service Banner Video


Make a stunning
Corporate Brand Video

Transform Your Business presence with

Febnik's Corporate Video Production Service

3 Step Hassle Free Video Production Workflow

The Most Comfortable and Seamless Film Production Workflow ever

The Consultation

Client Brief Session

The first session in the consultation process is all about knowing the requirements of the brand, its values, aims, market presence, and competition status. Creative Vision and the business aspects that need to be part of the final video are also clearly established in the session. Further, a note of technical specifications for better alignment of the production process is also specified clearly.

Site Visit and Inspection

The Second Session is a Location Scouting of the shooting location and checking all the available amenities like electricity, power outlets and sound levels that are important during the production phase. We Examine the site concerning the requirements of the gears that might be essential during the production phase. We also analyse the physical environment from noise and illumination aspects. Taking clearance from authorities and building a quick connection with the professionals for future support during production is also done in this phase.

Shoot Schedule Confirmation

After rigorous onsite analysis of the shooting environment and the possible demands of the script, an estimation of the entire timeline is possible. Once the team receives a confirmation for the availability of all the logistics, schedules and deadlines are confirmed.
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Febnik Video Production Service Client Brief Session
In this video, we'll take you through the process of a client briefing session in video production, starting with understanding the client's project brief, then moving on to location scouting and inspection, and finally, confirming the shoot schedule. Whether you're a beginner in the video production industry or a seasoned professional, this video will provide valuable insights on how to effectively communicate with clients and ensure a smooth production process. So, join us as we take a closer look at the key stages of a client briefing session and learn how to set yourself up for success in your next video production project. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on our latest videos!
Thumbnail for the Consultation Video
Thumbnail for the Consultation Video
Febnik Video Production Service Script Writing
From researching and brainstorming to outlining and writing, scripting is a crucial step in the filmmaking process. In this video, we'll take you behind the scenes and show you how we approach script development at Febnik Productions. From understanding the client's vision and goals to crafting compelling characters and storylines, we'll cover it all. Whether you're a filmmaker, video producer, or just interested in the creative process, this video is a must-watch. So sit back, grab a notebook, and get ready to learn some valuable tips and tricks for crafting a winning script. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more great content on filmmaking and video production.
Thumbnail for the Script Writing Process Video
Thumbnail for the Script Writing Process Video

The Scripting

Pre Writing Phase

At Febnik, we believe that a solid foundation is essential for a successful script. That's why we begin every project with a thorough pre-writing phase. During this phase, we conduct extensive research, brainstorm ideas, and work closely with you to understand your needs and vision. We take the time to fully understand your organization's story and develop a detailed outline or treatment that will serve as the foundation for the script. We say this process as Brainstorming Phase 1.

Writing Phase

With a solid foundation in place, we move on to the writing phase. This is where our team of experienced writers take the ideas and research from the pre-writing phase and turn them into a full-length screenplay. We take great care in crafting a script that truly captures the heart of your organization and tells your story in a visually stunning and emotionally resonant way. Our team is committed to working closely with you every step of the way to ensure that the script meets your expectations. The outcome of the phase is First Draft.


Once the script is written, we enter the revising phase. We understand that a script is never truly finished and we are committed to making sure it is polished and ready for production. Our team goes through multiple revisions and edits to make sure that the script is free of grammatical errors, pacing is perfect, continuity is maintained and also get feedback from other writers, producers, or directors to make sure the script is the best it can be. We are committed to delivering a script that you can be proud of and will make a lasting impact.

If in next Revising phase any changes arise then Brain Storming Phase - 2 is conducted to create Second Draft. This process continues till Final Draft is ready.

Script Locking

Once a Script Passes the Sharp analysis with respect to all the aspects of the requirements, We lock the script and move on to Film Production Phase.

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The Production

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Febnik Video Production Service Film Production
Join us in this week's video as we take you behind the scenes of film production. From pre-production to post-production, we'll be sharing the entire process of making a film. Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker or just curious about the industry, this video is for you. Learn about the role of a film director, the importance of interviews and storytelling, the art of editing and motion graphics, and the crucial role of sound design and color grading in the final product. See how a team of professionals work together to bring a story to life on the big screen. Don't miss it!
Thumbnail for the Script Writing Process Video
Thumbnail for the Script Writing Process Video


The direction of a director is a trait supported by multi-disciplinary skills that involve expertise in the 3 phases of production i.e. pre-production, production and post-production phases of the production to ensure the final film aligns with the flow, emotions, script and visuals.

The director is the chief creative person for a movie. The director leads the viewer to give the most out of the film. The director wants the viewer to see the story from a particular point of view.

A movie director tells the actors and the subjects how to play a particular scene, and sets the scene by creating the right atmosphere through the props, location, scenery, and costumes for a specific type of mood.

The directing of cinematography includes both the camera shots and the lighting to obtain both a particular type of effect and mood. The director also controls the editing to create the pace, rhythm, coherence, story, and character development they and the producer want.




Interviews play a major part in any Corporate Video. interviews are a good way to convey a brand's journey, aims and principles. Top officials can be a part of the video where they give global perspectives and endeavours of the organisation and its offerings for the overall growth. The interviews showing the on-site work and experiences of managerial staff and site workers help in giving a clear understanding of the brand and its principles. Today every customer and client is looking for authenticity in a brand and its workers. Interviews are a great way to build a long-lasting and impactful relationship with the audience.


Editing a video starts with logging hours of footage in the database and then to the timeline. The footage and all the media assets are arranged in bins for better project management in the editing phase. After this, the usable clips are sorted according to date and scenes on individual timelines for quick and easy access. Then the core timeline is arranged according to the storyboard. This process is called the First Assembly Phase. In this phase, transitions, pauses, titles and all the things that help in conveying the information, message and emotions are added to the timeline.

The next phase is the rough cut where the long timeline cuts short to a neat and tidy first draft. After this, it's time for the fine cut. The fine cut focuses on finer details to make sure it is ready for the Picture Look. No changes to timeline or TRT (total running time) can be made after a Picture Look is finalised. The Last Phase is the Final Cut, this is where an editor steps back and lets all of the colour gradings, audio mixing, special effects, and closed captioning experts step in and take the film from meh to magic!


Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics involves designing graphics elements and illustrations and moving them in time and space to achieve an intended goal or tell a story. The motion graphic elements are placed in a sequence of frames to create an illusion of a moving object. Motion graphics primarily use graphics and type. Motion graphics is quite a complex & unique job as the ideas which are tough to capture in reality are demonstrated with the help of motion graphics. It's crucial to understand the information or the story to be conveyed, after which there is a sketching and storyboarding process before actually jumping into the animation and sound design phase for the motion graphics sequence.

Sound Design

Sound design is the art of creating audio for film, television, advertising, music, and other productions. Sound design covers various aspects like ambience sound that sets a scene. Foley sounds to add actions in the scene to make it close to reality. Background Music to include songs and instrumental pieces that influence mood and help tell the story A voice-over is the voice of a narrator who is either a character or an unseen narrator driving a story forward.

Sound Design

Voice Overs

Voice Overs

In Voice Recording Session, an actor or a voice artist records in a studio while reading from the script. The artist must study the script beforehand to perfect their tone, voice, and emotion to ultimately match the production—which can be a brand's tone. Selecting the right voice for the role is very important as the right artist will project a message and evoke emotion. It also provides a personality to the script and even helps move a story along.

They've got to capture the right tone, evoke an emotion, and create a personality for the character. This process is tough for both the voice-over artist and the audio engineers.

Color Grading

When the footage reaches the to colorist the first step is to colour correct the footage. After colour corrections, the colour grading is performed.Color grading styles the look of the footage by “painting” on top of the colour-corrected footage. Colorists use editing software to stylize the footage. They they focus on:

  • Emphasising the visual tone and atmosphere of a movie.
  • Making footage look cinematic.
  • Using colour grading software tools like Da Vinci resolve to adjust contrast, balance, white balance, black level, saturation, and luminance.
  • Using a colour palette to convey a specific atmosphere, style, or emotion.

A colorist can even add a distinct tint to flashbacks or scenes from different timelines as the main plot.

Color Grading

Customise with


Choose from HD- 720p, Full HD- 10809, and UHD - 4K to enhance the quality of the colours and sharpness of the final footage as per your requirements.

Length Options

Different Settings may need variable length options. Choose the time options based on your end-use.

Multilingual VO

Language should not be a barrier when it comes to business. Our multilingual subtitle and voice-over support will reduce the hurdles in trade.

Get Free Assistance to know about the service

Our project experts are here to assist you for a more comprehensive understanding about the service and our complete offerings. Feel free to schedule a free call with our executives & connect with us as per your preference.
  • Share your Basic Details
  • Fill out a brief intake form to provide context for your query
  • Select your preferred date and time.
  • Submit the request
  • All done ! Our executive will get in touch with you.

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Client Testimonials

Febnik Corporate Video Production Service

Discover the impact our services can have on your success. Our clients' experiences speak volumes about the quality of the services we provide at Febnik. Read on to see what they have to say about their time with us

Swastik Electrotech Private Limited
Mr. Manish Maurya
Managing Director at Swastik Electrotech Private Limited
Rating:5Yellow StarYellow StarYellow StarYellow StarYellow Star
Date: 21/04/22
I am extremely impressed with the video that Febnik produced for my business. Not only is it flawless, but it truly captures the story and progress of our company. My mother even watched the entire video with us and was moved to tears by the final product. The level of professionalism and attention to detail from Febnik is unmatched and I know that this video will not only be a great asset to our business, but will also help us recover the cost of its production with just one deal. Thank you Febnik for creating such a powerful and meaningful piece for our company.
Swastik Electrotech Corporate Video | Febnik Productions - English
Video production project for Swastik Electrotech Private Limited, a leading facility management company in India. Our team traveled to various locations in Delhi to capture the company's contributions to the success of India's top government sector offices
Thumnail for Swastik Electrotech Corporate Video | Febnik Productions - English
Thumnail for Swastik Electrotech Corporate Video | Febnik Productions - English
Mr. Piyush Bhartiya
Co-Founder AdmitKard
Rating:5Yellow StarYellow StarYellow StarYellow StarYellow Star
Date: 27/06/19
Febnik has helped us at AdmitKard to increase the quality of content. They have been very supportive. Given that It was our first time, they have helped us setup the studio in the record time, which was a day. We have done 7 webinars back to back in 3 days and they have been tirelessly at it. So thank you guys. That was a great support from you, Thank you for supporting AdmitKard.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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A Corporate brand video production service is a service that helps businesses create high-quality videos that showcase their brand and communicate their message to their target audience. The service typically includes everything from conceptualization and scriptwriting to filming, editing, and post-production.

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We can produce a variety of video types,including:

  • Business and Corporate Interviews
  • Manufacturing Process, Industry & Real Estate Tour Videos
  • Live streaming and Event Coverage
  • Documentary & Short Film Production
  • Podcasts with Video Recording and Live Streaming
  • Corporate training, E-learning and Educational Institute Video Production
  • Product Demo and Explainer Videos
  • Fashion Ad and Film Production
  • Social Media Video Production and SEO optimization
  • Video marketing and Advertising Campaign development and execution
  • Video SEO optimization

Our team will work with you to understand your needs and develop a video that meets your specific goals and objectives.

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The cost of a Corporate Video production varies depending on a number of factors, including the length of the video, the complexity of the production, and the type of equipment and crew required. We will work with you to understand your budget and create a production plan that fits within your budget constraints.

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The length of time required to produce a Corporate Video depends on several factors, including the complexity of the production and the availability of the team and equipment. On average, a Corporate Video production can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months from start to finish.

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The process for creating a Corporate Video typically involves several stages, including conceptualization, scriptwriting, pre-production, filming, editing, and post-production. Our team will work with you throughout the process to ensure that your video meets your goals and expectations.Watch Video to Learn More

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Yes, we offer scriptwriting services as part of our Corporate Video production service. Our team of writers will work with you to develop a script that effectively communicates your message and showcases your brand.

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We use high-end camera equipment and lighting to ensure that your brand video looks professional and high-quality. Our equipment includes cameras, lenses, tripods, lights, and other essential tools for filming.

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Yes, we can produce videos in multiple languages. Our team will work with you to ensure that your video is translated accurately and effectively communicates your message in the target language.

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Yes, we offer animation services as part of our Corporate Video production service. Our team of animators can create high-quality animated videos that are engaging and effective in communicating your message.

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To get started with a Corporate Video production, simply get in touch with us to discuss your needs and goals. Our team will work with you to develop a production plan that meets your needs and budget.Consult Now

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Yes, our team handles all aspects of the Corporate Video production process, including post-production and editing. We use high-end editing software to ensure that your video is polished and professional-looking.

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Yes, we value your input and feedback throughout the Corporate Video production process. Before finalizing the edit, we will provide you with a preview of the video and welcome any changes or revisions you would like to make.

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Yes, we offer music and sound effects as part of our Corporate Video production service. Our team will work with you to select the right music and sound effects to enhance the overall impact of your video.

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Yes, we can help with distribution and promotion of your Corporate Video. Our team can help you develop a distribution and promotion strategy that is tailored to your target audience and goals.

Chevron Button

Yes, we offer video optimization services to help improve the visibility of your Corporate Video on search engines. Our team will use best practices for video optimization, such as including relevant keywords and descriptions, to help your video rank higher in search results.

Book your Consultation

Our experienced video production team is here to help bring your vision to life. Our expert consultants are here to help. Book your consultation today and start the process of creating powerful, impactful video content that will bring your brand to life.

  • Select a time that works for you
  • Fill out a brief intake form to provide context for your consultation
  • During the consultation, our team will listen to your needs and provide a tailored quote and expert advice
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