Retouching and Post Processing FAQ

ApprovalCopyrightBookingTimeTurnaround TimePaymentCancellationRefund
We review your sample images for retouching approval. Clients must make sure the samples and original images follow the following guidelines as much as possible.
  1. Image must be Properly exposed
  2. Size of image must be above 18 Megapixels
  3. Minimum Motion Blur - We expect images without visible motion blur
  4. Images must be provided in Raw Image Format
  5. Subject should be In Focus
  6. Composition Of Image must be good and subject must be properly within the frame
  7. Minimum Flaring issues on Lens Flares, Solar leaks, Chromatic aberration
  8. Minimum Reflections on Spectacles, Reflective Surfaces that interfere with the subject
  9. We recommend you to check the exact specification inpricing section
Images clicked by DSLR in Raw format are the best to work on and develop using our post processing softwares as they contain uncompressed data which is vital for colour and texture accuracy. Images with low pixel count or low color information are troublesome from a post processing point of view and do affect the final quality of the product.
Turnaround times do not imply a guarantee. Times will be determined by workload and you will be notified approximate times ahead of time. Febnik Retouching and Post Processing Services does its best to meet the one day turn around on basic (minor) retouching.
We can do Retouching and post processing on orders as low as one or as many images as you wish according to your requirements.
We currently do not offer PSD or layered TIFF
  1. You can share your files via any cloud data hosting.
  2. Upload the files and share the folder with us.
  3. The images you send can be in any RAW format or in TIFF 8 bit or 16 bit.
  4. Note due to virus threats and corrupted file issues. Febnik never
    • accepts compressed zip, tar, rar or anything that compresses or bundles the image.
    • accepts images in any encrypted format either.
All the data we receive from our clients, febnik always keeps your privacy and copyright instact.
We always keep your information confidential and are strict about the privacy policy. We never license your work to any third parties without your prior consent. Also when you share your work we ensure that it is in safe hands. For more read ourPrivacy Policy
All the data we receive from our clients, febnik always keeps your privacy and copyright instact.
We always keep your information confidential and are strict about the privacy policy. We never license your work to any third parties without your prior consent. Also when you share your work we ensure that it is in safe hands. For more read ourPrivacy Policy
Febnik serves a wide variety of clients. There are several factors which make us verify your ids before availing any service. Some are listed below.
  • Licencing Purposes
  • Personal Security
  • Data Security
  • Equipment Security
  • Financial Security
Your id helps us have trust in you and also helps other customers to have a good and authentic experience and our team to serve you better. It not only ensures our employee safety but yours as well.
For renewal / extension of the current licencekindly contact us.
kindly contact know about our exclusive rights policy.
Febnik never owns copyright for the original image shot by our clients, but the artwork i.e.. The resultant product of the post processing and retouching done by the digital artist on the original work remains the copyright of the artist. In such cases the owner can never produce copies, sell or redistribute or can do any activity which violates the copyright over the post processed artwork without the consent of Febnik Productions Pvt. Ltd. Artwork Produced as a result of the post processing and retouching workflow will strictly follow all(retouching terms and conditions)
Turn around times begin when the project execution starts which will be notified via email.
Standard | 7 business days or less (excluding holidays)
If your shoot requires a hand model, we need to align our schedules with that of a hand model or models, as well as our stylist, which may increase turnaround time by a few days as well.
When you have a very high quantity of products, we can work with you on a weekly rolling schedule, we'll work with your product production, logistics and marketing teams.
For new clients or first-time orders, we reserve the right to process a small number of product pictures for approval before photographing your entire order. We will send you a proof image for your approval. This ensures you are happy with our service before we complete your entire order.
Febnik will share the samples for your approval via our website, and you can rate and comment your views and suggestions based on the specifications previously finalized in the photography brief.
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