Shoot Stylist Collaboration


Febnik Productions Pvt. Ltd. is starting a new venture in the field of fashion and modelling industry with Modelling Internship Programme for new upcoming models and fellow artists in the fashion and modelling industry.

The internship programme will last for a duration of 3 to 4 month in which we will focus on training new upcoming models for the fashion industry and various modelling needs in the professional sector.

Fashion and Shoot Stylist Collaboration

Fashion and Shoot Stylist are a vital part of the entire production process and hence we are providing valuable opportunities for the makeup artists and instructors to showcase their skills on a well established platform set by Febnik Productions Pvt. Ltd.

  1. What are we looking for?
  2. Experience
    1. The Stylist must have experience of coming up with new and modern ideas with a referential understanding of recommendations.
    2. Should dedicate time to learn different styles of styling as required.
    3. Must have good understanding of the basics of color theory, styling theory, body shapes and outfits, personality and styling.
    4. Must be comfortable in working with all the colors in VIBGYOR.
    5. Maintains a good standard of craftsmanship and understanding while designing and suggesting any ideas.
    6. Experienced Recommendation of fabrics and patterns must be given with shoot requirements in mind.
    7. Must be bold and be comfortable in trying new styles.
    8. Must have an understanding of different body shapes, and able to present them in their best.
    9. Must have a highly specialized style statement in his or her work.
    Guidance As a Stylist
    1. Do’s and Don’t of Styling to remember as a model.
    2. Things to remember to define and maintain your style around the clock.
    3. Understanding body shapes and dressing style for each and every personality.
    4. Personal tips for better season based clothing according to body types.
    Artistic work as Stylist
    1. We are seeking complete guidance to models for basic day to day dressing up.
    2. Garments which are easy to carry and maintain, highly flexible.
    3. Styling which makes you feel confident in your own heels.
    4. Day and Night Styling looks and easy to extravagant clothing to nail day and night life.
    Work with Team
    1. During the internship process we look forward to following jobs for Stylist :
    2. Provide Styling services for the shoots as required and decided.
    3. Working with photographer, stylist and retoucher to come up with a variety of looks and options to suit the mood of the photoshoot.
    4. Keep a track of budget while dealing with creative ideas.
    5. Keeping in touch with the team about choices made for wardrobe and styling.
    Must have to
    1. Have a tablet or laptop where the artist can present her styling, ideas, look and budget for the look for the shoot.
    2. Through Knowledge of how to create a mood board for a professional application on sets and to present before a creative director, photographer, makeup artist and model.

  3. What do we offer?
    1. Fully produced and ready to publish content for self promotion in from of
      1. Lecture videos
      2. Styling videos
      3. Still Images produced during shoot sessions.
    2. Hands on experience to work on a fixed number of candidates with different looks and styles to enhance your styling skills.
    3. Understanding how to work in a team with artists of different styles and genres.
    4. Understanding production workflow and role of Stylist in different industry cenarios like fashion shows, editorial shoots, ecommerce and beauty shoots etc.
Modelling Courses Coming Soon
Prices inclusive of GST
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