Fashion and Modelling Photography FAQ

ClothingApprovalRainPosingEditingRetouchPromote ModelsSelectionBookingTimeTurnaround TimePaymentCancellationRefund
Clothing should communicate your personality and for businesses, match your brand aesthetic. We may not always have the perfect concept, but we know what doesn't work or match your vision! We are happy to work with you to figure out the best attire for your session. And if you're changing outfits, we can provide pointers to make it much easier. Especially if we're shooting on location!
We have two options - reschedule or try to wait it out. We can always reschedule at no additional charge.(For more details kindly Contact us)
Our time is spent learning about human behavior and body language because we find it fascinating. It's our job to make you look amazing and feel comfortable simultaneously. I also make sure that the poses we use fit your personality. Are you light and bubbly? Then we won't cross your arms. Are you a high-level executive who is super approachable and friendly? Then we'll take pictures with the camera at eye level instead of looking up, which makes you look imposing and intimidating. We'll talk a few times before the session to iron out the message and personality you want to incorporate in your images. It's our job to make the photos tell that story!
Every single image receives global editing like overall exposure, contrast, color, etc. when you receive them as proofs. Once you have gotten your proof images, you'll pick a selection, based on the package you purchased, and then we will perform the detailed Photoshop edits on those images. After that's complete, you'll receive access to the final selection of images for download..
It's simple, first of all fix up an appointment to meet so that everything can be explained and discussed in length. Also, we do not use standard formulas to shoot everyone alike. Only after seeing you, we can judge best to evaluate the best looks for you. Meeting beforehand also helps evaluate your potential and guide you plan your portfolio in the best possible manner. You may(For more details kindly Contact us)anytime to fix an appointment. If you are not based in Delhi, send in your photos or fix a hangouts chat.
Earlier, the better. This helps you also plan everything smoothly. However, if available we can schedule the shoot at a short notice as well.
You are not paying for the number of photographs or looks. In fact you are paying for the photographers skill and experience to bring out and show your very best in your portfolio. The Art and effort involved is almost the same even if the number of looks or photographs is less.
Yes of course. Complete guidance will be provided during the shoot and all assistance will be given for posing and expressions. As the shoot goes on you are shown your pictures on a camera or a large screen, and suggestions are given on how best to improve the shots.
Once the final pictures are selected, these will be retouched and finished to look the best. Usually, it is done to the extent that the photographs look natural and do not look too artificial. However, you have both the options.
It's always my effort to promote our models. Moreover we prefer shooting with models we know are good. Anyways our best efforts are towards making a great portfolio so that your pictures speak out for you. You are guided to the right people in the industry for your promotion.
The whole shoot is nowadays done on high end digital cameras. This helps in shooting unlimited pictures without bothering about added expenditure of film and processing. You do not have to worry about the number of frames or number of rolls used anymore. Just concentrate on your looks.
We currently do not provide clothing, but can offer a referral list to wardrobe stylists who can help you choose the right attire for your photo session.
Yes, Since there are a lot of photographs I generally shortlist the photographs and among this set you can further choose the best ones you like. This makes your work much easier. At the end of the shoot as well as during the shoot, we'll look at your photos on a computer screen and talk about which images / looks /expressions work best.
It is always good to have only the best pictures in the portfolio which are very strong in every aspect. Any picture where the model or the makeup artist or the photographer are not up to the mark does not make it to the final selection.
That's absolutely your choice. It is not necessary if you are not comfortable doing so. Keep in mind the kind of work you are looking for. Your portfolio should reflect the same. However, if you get any such images shot, it's not necessary that you have to show everything to your prospective clients.
It is possible to do so in photoshop to some extent, however, it's better not to manipulate the photographs in a manner which does not portray the real you. Small tweaking can be done but do not expect a drastic change.
As long as you are fit, it's perfectly all right, with or without a Gym. It's completely your choice how you want to project yourself in front of the client and what kind of modelling you are interested in.
Your height, weight, complexion can't decide whether you are fit to be a model or not. Your overall personality matters much more. Models facilitate the world to choose what can suit best for them and there are people like you. So believe in yourself.
It's not always necessary to do every different look. We can discuss and plan, what looks go best with your personality and what kind of work you intend to seek. Some of the options are - Western casuals- jeans / shorts /tops etc , western formals / evening gown or a dress, Indian traditional - saree or a lehenga, closeups and beauty shots, Executive / Business look. Based on your fitness you may also go for sportswear or Lingerie / Bikini.
It's just as safe as any other profession.
Yes, certainly. However, bring along at most one of your friends, someone you are not uncomfortable posing in front of.
One does not really need anyone to promote you as long as you have the talent. A good portfolio is your first step in the industry and decide the photographer on the basis of his/her work and do not link promotion with it. If you are good and if your portfolio is good, half the battle is already won. With the right guidance, you can promote yourself much better than anyone else.
Models need to maintain a digital portfolio nowadays. Most of the time you will share the images via unprofessional methods like whatsapp, google drive etc. Febnik provides a VB Card for our models which helps them to maintain an online portfolio without the risk of their images being misused. It not only provides a platform to reach people, it's like your digital business card. (Checkout VB Card)
No not really. It's more or less the same except that you can get it done more in a manner you want it to be rather than what will work better in the industry.
I am just getting it done for fun sake, Just to give it a try... Nothing works unless you give it your best. If you want to pursue modelling as a career, you need to be professional about it just as any other career. You need to put in your best effort towards your portfolio, to begin with as this is going to be your first impression in the industry.
Depending on the shoot we will have a quick briefing session about the shoot, how we will proceed, what all things we will take care of and some tips and tricks for photoshoot. Moreover we will guide you on posing and all other aspects as well. There is no need to be nervous about anything. We will ensure you look best in your images.
Turn around times begin when the project execution starts which will be notified via email.
Standard | 7 business days or less (excluding holidays)
If your shoot requires a hand model, we need to align our schedules with that of a hand model or models, as well as our stylist, which may increase turnaround time by a few days as well.
When you have a very high quantity of products, we can work with you on a weekly rolling schedule, we'll work with your product production, logistics and marketing teams.
For new clients or first-time orders, we reserve the right to process a small number of product pictures for approval before photographing your entire order. We will send you a proof image for your approval. This ensures you are happy with our service before we complete your entire order.
Febnik will share the samples for your approval via our website, and you can rate and comment your views and suggestions based on the specifications previously finalized in the photography brief.
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